Description: Series of SR 64XX UFR are flame retardant premixed compound of siliconerubber with good extrusion performance.
Special properties:
Ø Excellent strength of compound
Ø Unstructured in a long-term storage.
Ø Good flame retardancy.
Ø Low compression set.
Ø Can be mixed with other rubbers
Ø Milky appearance and easy to pigment.
Main applications:
Ø Sanesil SR64XXUFR is suitable for flame retardant products such asseals, wires, etc.
Type (according to GB/T5576-1997)................................FVMQ
Curing Condition:
After addition of 1.2% of 2.5-dimethyl bis -(tertiobutylperoxy) 2.5-hexane (45%) and vulcanization for 5 min. at 180°C.
Mechanical properties: